In an industry notorious for its focus on salesmanship and product placement, we understand that the viability of our business and reputation hinges on our ability to service clients.


As part of being a LDM Advisors client you will receive:

1. LDM Advisors Financial Dashboard Access (powered by eMoney)

    • This highly secured, online resource provides clients with a snapshot of their entire financial life.

    • The account aggregation technology features real-time account access to balances, investment performance, budgets, files etc. through computer, phone and tablet.

    • It also reduces the chance of an oversight by triggering alerts to both us and our clients of changes or required action items imperative to their financial situation.

2. Coordination with other Professional Advisors

    • Whether it be during our review meetings or behind the scenes, we communicate and coordinate with our clients’ other advisors such as CPAs, attorneys, and others.  The goal of this process is to ensure checks and balances exist, and everyone is on the same page.

    • Depending on what each client’s plan calls for, there may be circumstances where other specialized professionals are involved to most effectively implement key aspects of the plan. We serve as a single point of contact to simplify and streamline communications so that our clients do not waste time managing their plan.